South Carolina Loyalists and Rebels   



South Carolina Judicial Districts Established in 1769

During most of the colonial period, South Carolina had only a single court which met in Charleston.  By the 1760's, due to expansion of settlement, Charleston became too far away for the majority of the population, which now resided in the SC Backcountry.  In 1768, largely as a result of the Regulator Movement, the Circuit Court Act was passed by the SC Legislature.  The act took effect in 1769; seven circuit court districts were established and courthouses were set up for each district.  In Ninety-Six District the courthouse was established in the village of Ninety-Six.  The following map shows the seven district court boundaries; these district courts continued to function into the post-Revolutionary War period.  During the period 1769-1776, the northwestern corner of South Carolina was still a part of the Cherokee Nation.  However, after a brief war fought during 1776, this area was ceded to the State of South Carolina by treaty signed in 1777.