Text and Subtext: Subtext is the hidden or secondary meaning of a work
People with Ideas
Papers by Carl Stieren
Virtual Museum of Technology
Topic of the Month
About Carl Stieren


Last modified:
March 22, 2002


Virtual Museum of Technology

Information technology has been around since the first humans drew symbols in the sand or on the rocks. Here are a few pieces of technology that were significant advances in their day.

Abacus - Igor Filippov, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Core Storage, Louis Charron, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

CAD/CAM machine, Art Johnson, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

When you're in Ottawa, Canada, you can visit "Log On", a special exhibit on computer technology in Canada, at the National Museum of Science and Technology on Lancaster Road, east of St-Laurent Blvd.


Copyright 1998 - 2002 by Carl Stieren. Email: carls@cyberus.ca