The Educator

Dominic's roots are Celtic/Country, but he has performed for such audiences as Nana Muskouri and the Prince and Princess of Wales. He gets the most satisfaction, however, performing for the youth. Dominic brings his message to hundreds of schools each and every year. He lends a sympathetic ear through his music that helps in turning troubled youth around and encourages them to become involved in their community in the war against drugs and alcohol.

He has set up the Dominic D'Arcy Talent Development Program to assist young people to progress towards a career in the entertainment world. He also encourages kids to perform with him and uses his stage as a spring board to the next step. One of these kids included Alanis Morissette who sang with Dominic for five years after he discovered her at a general assembly at her school. Many more of his kids have gone on to the world stage and the big screen.

Nicknamed "The Singing Policeman", Dominic's mandate has evolved from a front line Officer to that of Community Services Where he is charge of Special Events.

In 1999 Dominic received the Governor Generals Award for outstanding involvement in his community.