The Entertainer

From Sheenboro, Quebec, a tiny Irish settlement nestled in the West Quebec Laurentians, Dominic was born and raised in a family of twelve.

Dominic's musical accomplishments include two albums, six cassettes, thirteen singles, a music video and a brand new live Compact Disc. His music has taken him to Ireland, England, Bermuda, Barbados and Russia.

In 1998 he performed live in China for four hundred and fifty million people around the Orient on Beijing TV and was asked back to play at the Great Wall festival seen on CCTV by three hundred million people.

For the last several years, Dominic has been found in the sun in Florida on St. Patrick's Day Week entertaining the "Snow Birds" and the natives. Whether it is after-dinner entertainment, a show, or a person that is loved and respected by young people to get a message across on drug and alcohol abuse and their ugly consequences, Dominic D'Arcy is the one person you should definitely consider.