MeTshag Contract for Bitch with breeding/showing potential

I. While no Tibetan Terrier pedigree is absolutely free of hereditary problems, great care has been taken so that this TT should be free of hereditary problems. All parents, grand-parents, and great-grandparents have been tested clear of hip dysplasia and eye problems. This TT is guaranteed to be OFA "fair" or better for hip dysplasia (as determined by x-ray at two years of age sent to OFA), CERF "normal" for progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and lens luxation (LL) and free of bilateral juvenile cataracts.

II. If this bitch does not live up to the guarantee as per paragraph I, Catherine Shearer agrees to a refund of the original purchase price minus the non-refundable deposit upon return of the bitch to Catherine Shearer. If the purchaser wishes to keep the bitch, Catherine Shearer will reimburse any actual veterinary costs directly related to the conditions up to a maximum of the original purchase price minus the non-refundable deposit provided the bitch is spayed.

III. If the purchaser chooses to return the bitch within seven days of the date of purchase, no reason is required and Catherine Shearer will refund the full purchase price. Later, if the purchaser has to part with this dog for reasons other than those stated in paragraph I or II, Catherine Shearer (MeTshag) has first right of refusal.

IV. The purchaser agrees to keep this bitch in tip-top "show" condition with regard to regular preventive health care, coat care, feeding, training, time and socialization.

VI. This bitch is to be exhibited at CKC/AKC shows until she becomes a CKC/AKC conformation champion or until the purchaser and Catherine Shearer agree to cease.

VII. This bitch is to be submitted to yearly eye examinations by a CERF-qualified veterinary ophthalmologist. Copies of all exam reports are to be sent to Catherine Shearer. If the results of the exam are "normal", the exam report is to be sent to the Canine Eye Registration Foundation for certification and a copy sent to the TTCA Health Registry. Copies of the official CERF certificates are also to be sent to Catherine Shearer.

VII. As soon as the bitch has passed her second birthday, she is to undergo x-ray examination for hip dysplasia. If the x-rays show normal hip formation, the x-rays are to be forwarded to the Orthopaedic Foundation for Animals for certification. A copy of the OFA certificate is to be sent to Catherine Shearer.

VIII. This bitch is to co-owned with Catherine Shearer until the bitch has earned her CKC/AKC championship, and has whelped her first litter (for the sole purpose of protecting and preserving the Lamleh line). The stud for the first litter is to be Lamleh line-bred and must be agreed upon by the purchaser and Catherine Shearer
a. If the purchaser is not keeping a puppy, Catherine Shearer has first pick of this first litter otherwise Catherine Shearer will take second pick.
b. If the owner of the stud dog wishes to take a puppy in lieu of a stud fee, they will have pick AFTER Catherine Shearer has taken her pick.

IX. Under no circumstances is this bitch to be spayed without the written consent of Catherine Shearer.

X. This bitch is not to be bred until she has been certified by OFA and she has had yearly eye examinations by a CERF-qualified veterinarian with a result of NORMAL. She is not to be bred more than once in any twelve-month period and not when she is over the age of 9 1/2 years of age.

Agreement for (Registered Name): ________________________________________________________________________________________
                 born:                                         Chip #: _____________________________________

Purchase price :  1800 CAD  /  1200 USD   non-refundable deposit due at time of reservation:  200 CAD  /  125 USD

purchaser:                     __________________________________ date: _________________________________

Catherine Shearer:         __________________________________ date: _________________________________