Secret Weapons(Top)

Weapon Cost Teams Used By

Penalty Roll

Ball and Chain 30K Human, Norse


Blunderbuss 30K Chaos Dwarf, Human, Skaven


Chainsaw 60K Amazon, Goblin, Dwarf, Orc, Human, Chaos, Chaos Dwarf, Undead, Norse


Explosive Bombs 40K Goblin, Dwarf, Chaos Dwarf


Stink Bombs 20K Goblin


Poison Dagger 10K Amazon, Dark Elf, Human, Skaven, Chaos, Lizardmen


Pogo Stick 20K Goblin



Secret Weapons may only be used by Linemen-type players. For Undead, this is Zombies; for Lizardmen, Skinks; and for Chaos either Warriors or Beastmen.

Once a Secret Weapon has been purchased for a player, that player becomes very attached to it, will never play without it, and will never give it up.

No team except Goblins may have more than one Special Weapon at a time.

Players do not earn Star Player Points for actions done with their Secret Weapon.



Ball and Chain - Top

A Ball & Chain player – known as a fanatic – has little idea where he is going, and will happily plow through players from his own side if they get in the way!

Fanatics do not have a tackle zone and are only allowed to take Move actions.. They must be the first model of their team to take an action. If the coach moves another player first then his opponent can make an illegal procedure call against him just as if the coach had forgotten to move the turn counter.

Fanatics are never allowed to pick up or catch the ball, and can’t be used to assist other players in a block. The fanatic can move up to four squares a turn, but unfortunately the coach has very little control over which four squares he will move to! To see where he moves, place the Throw-In template facing the desired direction of travel. Roll a die and move the fanatic into the square indicated by the result. Repeat for all four squares of the fanatic’s move. You may change the facing of the Throw-In template after each square, and , as no opposing player would be dumb enough to try to tackle a fanatic, he never has to make a dodge roll to leave a square.

If the die roll indicates that the Fanatic will enter a square occupied by a player of either team, then he must throw a block against that player. The Fanatic’s strength counts as ‘6’ for the block, but no player may assist either side due to the swirling ball and chain. If the other player is pushed back, the Fanatic must occupy his square. A ‘Stand Firm‘ ends the fanatics move. If the Fanatic is knocked over he is automatically injured as the chain wraps itself around his neck. Roll for injury as normal, but treat Stunned results as KO’d instead.

Fanatic can keep on moving after he has made a block if he has any squares of movement left, and he must block the occupants of any further occupied squares he moves into. Push back prone players to represent them rolling away from the fanatic.

After his move roll a die to see if the Fanatic has become exhausted. On a 2-6 he may remain n play, on a 1 he collapses and must be placed in the Dead and Injured box. Roll another die to see what happens to him: 1-3 = cardiac arrest: the Fanatic dies from over-exertion; 4-6 = knackered: The Fanatic is worn out but will recover in time for the next match.

The only player in an opposing team that may attempt to block a Fanatic is another Fanatic. Should this ever happen, both players are automatically knocked over.

A coach with multiple Ball and Chain fanatics on the field must move all fanatics before activating any other player on his team. You cannot be called for Illegal Procedure if you have an unmoved fanatic and the only models you have moved are fanatics. [JJ]

For added mayhem, you may want to move multiple fanatics 'simultaneously'. Pick a facing for each fanatic. Roll for direction for each. Pick a facing for each one's second step. Roll for direction for each, etc.

Goblin fanatic collapses cause turnovers. [GWUK] This may be re-rolled.


Blunderbuss - Top

A player with a blunderbuss is not allowed to do anything else when he fires the ball, because he needs time to stuff the ball into the muzzle of the blunderbuss.

The normal rules for passing the ball are not used when it is fired from a blunderbuss. Instead, nominate a square anywhere on the field, and then roll a die to see where the ball comes down. On a roll of 1-3 it scatters in exactly the same way as a kick-off (i.e., it scatters the number of squares to the roll of a dice in a random direction). On a roll of 4-6 the ball is bang on target and may be caught by a player in the target square in the same way as an accurate pass.

After the blunderbuss has been used it may not be fired again until after a touchdown is scored or the half ends. This is to allow time for the weapons user to reload it with a fresh charge of gunpowder!

A player with Blunderbuss may accept a hand off and still fire that turn. [JJ]


Chainsaw - Top

A player can’t enter the field with a running chainsaw (it’s very difficult to sneak it past the ref!), so he must get the thing started before he is allowed to use it.

Turning the chainsaw on counts as an action, and the player may do nothing else that turn. To see if the player gets the chainsaw running, make an Agility roll for him. No modifiers apply to this die roll. If the roll succeeds the player has managed to turn the chainsaw on, and is allowed to attack with it in the succeeding turn. If the player fails to start up the chainsaw he is not allowed to attack with it, though he can try to start it up again in a future turn.

Failing to start a chainsaw does NOT count as a turnover, and does not end the moving teams turn. The chainsaw must be restarted if it is used again after a touchdown has been scored or a half ended.

A player armed with a running chainsaw may never catch or carry the ball, and must drop the ball if he has it. He can move normally, however, and attack with the chainsaw instead of making a block. A running chainsaw is a dangerous thing to carry around, and so if a player holding a chainsaw falls over for any reason, the opposing coach is allowed to add +3 to his Armour roll to see if the player is injured.

A player armed with a chainsaw is allowed to attack other players with it instead of making a normal block. When the chainsaw is used to make an attack, do not roll the Block dice. Instead, simply make an Armour roll for the victim adding +3 to the score. If the roll beats the victim’s armour value then they are injured – roll on the Injury Table. If the roll fails to beat the victim’s armour value then the attack has no effect. A player with a chainsaw may take part in a foul on a prone player, and adds +3 to the dice roll instead of the normal +1.

A player holding a running Chainsaw may not use Frenzy.

The Chainsaw adds +3 when its wielder is fouling or assisting in a foul.


Explosive Bombs - Top

Bombardiers usually carry a large sack of bombs. They light the fuse and lob it toward an opposing player. A coach may choose to have a Bombardier throw a bomb instead of taking any other action. The bombardier is not allowed to move when he throws a bomb because he needs to stand still in order to light the fuse. Roll a die to see if he gets the fuse alight without mishap. On a roll of ‘1’ the bomb explodes prematurely in the bombardiers square, with the results described below. On a roll of 2-6 he gets the fuse alight and may throw the bomb. If a player holding a lit bomb falls over for any reason (because of the use of a Special Play Card or a Wizard’s spell, for example)then the bomb will scatter one square and explode as described below.

The bomb is thrown using the rules for throwing the football. The bomb may be intercepted or caught, in which case the player catching it must throw it again immediately. This is a special bonus action which takes place out of the normal sequence of play.

For the second (and any subsequent0 throws a die roll must be made to see if the bomb goes off in the (new) throwers square. For any throws after the first the bomb goes off in the throwers square on a roll of 1, 2 or 3.

If the bomb lands in a square with a player who decides not to catch it, or if it lands n an empty square, then it will bounce and scatter one square in the same way as a dropped or missed pass. After it has bounced one square the bomb will explode, even if it ends up on a square that is occupied by a player.

When the bomb finally does explode – either because a die roll is failed or because the bomb has hit the ground and bounced – it knocks over players in adjacent squares on a roll of 4+. Make Armour and Injury rolls for any players knocked over by the blast as normal.

The Bomber throwing his bombs does not count as your Pass Action for the turn. [JJ]


Poison Dagger - Top

A player armed with a poison dagger may use it to attack another player instead of throwing a block at them. Make an Armour Roll for the victim. If the score is less than or equal to the victim’s armour value then the attack has no effect. If the score beats the victim’s armour value then they have been stabbed by the dagger and an Injury Roll must be made. Treat ‘stunned’ results as KO’d because of the effect of the poison. Once the dagger has been used to successfully stab a victim (i.e., they failed their armour roll) then the poison is wiped off and the dagger causes damage as normal until after a touchdown is scored or the half ends.


Pogo Stick - Top

A player with a Pogo Stick may attempt to move up to four extra squares when he ‘goes-for-it’, rather than the normal two. In addition, he may use the pogo stick to leap over occupied squares in exactly the same way as if he had the Leap skill.


Stink Bombs - Top

Same as an explosive bomb, but players knocked over are face up, and uninjured. There is no turnover unless one of them was holding the ball.


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