Kenamu Dragons host Da Rock Skwadd

58,000 fans crowded around Kenamu's still-unfinished Blood Bowl pitch on Sunday to see the hometown Dragons host the heavily favoured Da Rock Skwadd. The visiting Orcs looked extra-sharp today, as if they had put in some Extra Training time the past week. It was a perfect day for Blood Bowl, and Straight-laced Dain would referee strictly by the rules, showing proper dwarfish scorn for both the playing races.

Da Rock Skwadd received the opening kick, and proceeded slowly downfield, confident in their ability to score on the less-experienced Dragons. There was lots of hitting from both sides, and starting with an early Mighty Blow from Da Elimnator (S#9) Badly Hurting D#10 Machu Pichu. D#5 Tupac Amaru retaliated and Badly Hurt S#7 Stug-id.

The Orcish semi-cage moved up the side of the field, as the Lizards defense opened up and spread out. The skink Tenochtitlan (D#12) blitzed by a Snacking Ugel (S#3) to strip the ball from Ugster"Big Head" (S#1). The ball bounced around and off the hands of several players before coming to rest at the feet of Rangore Snatch, Da Skwadd's new Star Blitzer. D#9, Qorikancha ran over and snatched the loose ball before anyone could react, and as if in a Time Warp, he ran back upfield to hand-off to a waiting skink, Limatombo, who ran in for the early score.

It would remain 1-0 for the hometown Dragons at the half-time.

Kenamu received, and scored quickly, the ball carried again by #15 Limatombo. Unnoticed by the referee, who was watching the sideline dash, Titicaca snuck by the Orcish front line to stab star thrower Ugel "da Bomba" with a ceremonial poisoned dagger. Ugel was Badly Hurt, and would not return.

Da Rock Skwadd would return the score almost immediately on their next possession, with Rangore Snatch running it in after a hand-off from #13 Long Arm.

The Dragons seemed distracted on the next kick-off, and failed to pick up the ball before losing momentum when the skink Nahuatl (D#11) fell down trying to dodge by the Orcish line.

Sid Vishuss (S#11) took advantage, and ran down to pick up the ball. He held on through a blitz from Tenochtitlan, and dodged away to score the tying TD.

Two-all at the end of play.


Comps S#3

TDs S#8, S#11, D#15x2

Cas S#9, D#5, D#8*pd

MVPs S#2, D#1, D#2, D#7, D#8, D#15

Gate S, 20k; D, 20k

Rolls S#11=?



Dragons: Merchandising = +60k, Will= +40k