Tournament Organization


  1. We will endeavor to have three tournaments each year. A fall tournament running from September to November (Fish Bowl). A winter tournament running from January to March (WinterRude) and a summer tournament running from May to July (WoundStock). The winter and summer tournaments will use a special Weather Table.
  2. Standard Tourney prizes:
  3. · Simple championship: 100,000gp for Winner, 50,000gp for Loser

    · Playoffs: 30,000/20,000 in semi-finals, 70,000/40,000 in championship game

  4. No Championship/Trophy ReRoll is awarded.
  5. A Modified Death Bowl will be played for the lowest ranked teams in each tourney. No penalties for the losers, but still no apothecaries. Each team gets Gate Receipts and the Winner a 50,000gp prize.
  6. Monday Night Blood Bowl matches will be arranged with all teams, games selected by the Commish, and treated as an automatic Big Match special play card
  7. Teams who lead the league in Casualties For, Best Offence and Best Defence at the end of the regular season will each receive a 25 000gp prize, awarded after the playoffs. Ties result in no award. There will also be a prize for Most Sportsmanlike, voted by secret ballot.
  8. An MVP award (5 SPP) will be awarded to the player who leads the league in the following categories each season: MVPs, Completions, Casualties, Touchdowns, Interceptions. Ties result in no award.
  9. Tournaments will try to be kept at around a ten game length with schedules depending on the current number of coaches/teams.
  10. Coaches should make every effort to avoid playing the same team back-to-back.


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