TeddysRule! (teddy bears) What A Self-Help Group Can Do for You
Information for "newcomers" (and the curious) on A.C.A. ACoA/DF About the various tools the A.C.A. program offers for recovery The characteristics of "Adult Children" The Twelve Steps of Adult Children Anonymous Readings and materials for individuals and groups (freebies too) Meeting lists and links to other A.C.A. and recovery sites A complete list the content you'll find here (try our search engine too) All about this WebSite (why, what, technical and legal stuff) Back to the TeddysRule! front door What's New on the TeddysRule! WebSite? Find out... What's New on the TeddysRule! WebSite? Find out...

What An ACA ACoA/DF Self-Help Group Can Do for You
Debating whether to go to a support meeting? This reading can help, whether you're just starting or need some encouragement when times gets rough.

It can:

  • Keep you from slipping back into denial of your problems.
  • Give you a sense of normalcy.
  • Be an opportunity to make new friends.
  • Give you perspective and keep you from self-pity.
  • Give you a chance to share things which, if told (to a non-member), would not be understood.
  • Validate your emotions and experience.
  • Give you a genuine sense of support, perhaps for the first time in your life.
  • Give you a real sense of belonging. Here you are not different.
  • Provide an opportunity to be of real service to others.
  • Give you an outline for a workable philosophy in life in the 12 steps.
  • Supply an environment where you can find out who you are and give you an opportunity to practice being that person.
  • Provide a source of unconditional love and acceptance.
  • Allow you the freedom to express your true feelings in a non-judgmental atmosphere, with out fear of criticism.
  • Teach you to break behaviour patterns that don’t work by replacing them with new ones.
  • Allow you to experience real honesty of feeling in yourself and in others.
  • Give you practice in making a commitment and keeping it.
  • Change your image of yourself and raise your self-esteem.
  • End your feelings of isolation.
  • Help you detach from painful situations by showing your new attitudes.

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